Thursday, May 13, 2010


Stress is a huge factor in my consumption. I eat when I'm emotional (which has been a lot lately, for good reason) or trying to relax. I need to use my "tools" everyday, and keep them with me so I don't make excuses.

No more eating after 7pm, for the rest of the month. I can have milk with cocoa as a bedtime snack.

Eat a shake for breakfast with protein. If I'm still hungry before lunch- by all means, eat! But make it veggies!

Treat myself to diet pop during girls rest time, and chew on a toothpick, if my mouth feels like moving.

Eat snack with the children for accountability.

When eating at a social event, scope out the possibilities and choose what will be on my plate before I get in line.

Take my tools with me when traveling- protein shakes,cocoa, toothpicks, pop, so i don't make excuses.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for posting again. you are an inspiration and are keeping me accountable too. :)
